A special report from the cutting-edge of engineering
This is a brand new digital publication from the team at Professional Engineering, made exclusively for IMechE members and available on all devices. Read on for features, news, analysis and video about the Advanced Manufacturing industry, including the latest on 3D-printing, and the ways manufacturers are exploring the metaverse. We'd also love your feedback: let us know what you think at profeng@thinkpublishing.co.uk
Professional Engineering is published by Think on behalf of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
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Editor Amit Katwala
Deputy Editor Joseph Flaig
Chief Sub-editor John Moore
Group Art Director Tim Benton
Executive Director Jackie Scully
Client Engagement Director Kieran Paul
The Institution of Mechanical Engineers is the professional body overseeing the qualification and development of mechanical engineers. It has 115,000 members in 140 countries. Visit imeche.org for more information about membership and its benefits, or email membership@imeche. org.uk. Views expressed in Professional Engineering are not necessarily those of the Institution or its publishers.
Chief Executive Dr Alice Bunn OBE FIMechE
President Giles Hartill BEng MSc CEng FIMechE
IMechE is a registered charity in England and Wales number 206882